1. Using OpenVPN Server

Wave OpenVPN Server is the preferred method to enhance remote phone integration. (Another method is NAT traversal, described in Configuring NAT traversal .)

OpenVPN Server allows phones outside of your network to behave the same as local phones. With OpenVPN Server, when a remote user goes off-hook, the user’s phone automatically connects to your network. The OpenVPN Server extends your private network and its resources to support remote users with all the functionality and security available to local users.

Supported phones and devices

OpenVPN Server is supported on the Vertical Edge IP 5000i Gigabit phones (E5000i-24G and E5000i-LLCDG).

These phones include a built-in virtual private network client. This client uses the OpenVPN protocol to support a secure connection to the Wave Server.The Wave OpenVPN Server is a supported implementation from Vertical

Important!  There are many third-party devices that also support the OpenVPN protocol. The Vertical Edge IP phones listed above can be used with those devices, but Vertical cannot support them all.

Deploying VPN phones

Phones to be used with OpenVPN Server must first be staged locally on a Wave Server running Wave 4.0 or higher. This will allow the firmware that supports the latest VPN features to be downloaded to the phones, so that future firmware upgrades will be able to be downloaded via VPN itself.

OpenVPN Server: Off-Wave configuration mode vs. Custom Deployment

OpenVPN Server configuration tasks

About VPN phone users

Specifying a user's VPN credentials

Changing an existing user to use VPN

Off-Wave OpenVPN Server advanced settings

Updating the VPN server software