1. Entering and Activating Wave Licenses

You configured your initial Wave licenses when you installed your Wave Server as described in Chapter 5 in the Wave Server Installation Guide. Follow the instructions in the following topics to add and activate additional licenses to add capacity or functionality to your Wave Server:

About Wave licenses
Wave license requirements
Entering Wave licenses
Entering Wave license keys for each license
Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

About the Wave Product Usage Improvement Plan

When you activate a license, you will be asked if you want to participate in the Wave Product Usage Improvement Plan (PUIP). Doing so will allow Vertical to gather installation, deployment, and usage information to better understand how customers configure and use Wave, and assist in identifying and prioritizing areas for improvement

Participation in the plan is voluntary.

When you are a PUIP participant, Wave automatically uploads your product usage information every 30 days by sending an outbound request to Vertical's servers—Vertical never reaches into your Wave system to gather data.

About Wave licenses

Wave licenses form the basis of your ability to install and use Wave. Keep your license information in a safe location and do not share it with others.

Wave licenses do the following:

Control the ability to configure Wave system resources, for example VoIP resources, SIP phones, and so forth.
Enable Wave workstation or add-on applications such as ViewPoint, Global Manager, Call Navigator, and so forth.

Important!  New licenses are required in Wave ISM 2.0. Starting with Wave ISM 2.0, many of the core functionality licences from prior versions are no longer valid. In order for your Wave system to continue to function at its full capacity, you must install the new 2.0 licenses issued to you as part of your Software Subscription. Contact your Vertical support representative if you have not received your 2.0 licenses. For a description of the Wave licenses available starting in Wave ISM 2.0, see Wave license requirements.

Full vs. trial licenses

Obtaining Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

Entering Wave licenses

Entering Wave license keys for each license

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

Full vs. trial licenses

Wave licenses are available as full or trial licenses.

A full license can be used for a period of time before it must be activated. If the grace period elapses and you do not activate the license, you will no longer be able to configure the type of system resource controlled by the license or use the add-on, as described in the table on page 1-1.
A trial license lets you evaluate a feature or add-on for a period of time. Trial licenses cannot be activated—after the trial period expires, you must purchase a full license to continue using the feature or add-on.

Obtaining Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

About Wave licenses

Obtaining Wave licenses

Contact your Wave provider for the licenses required for your specific configuration. You may want to purchase additional licenses to allow for expected system growth so that you do not have to wait for a license the next time you want to expand your system.

Wave licenses are supplied by your Vertical provider in the following formats:

Wave license files. License files can be imported directly onto the Wave Server. License files are named LICxxxxxxx.LIC, where x = the sales order number.
Acrobat file. Each license file is accompanied by an Acrobat file that lists the included licenses. If the license file itself is lost or unreadable, you can enter the license keys in the associated Acrobat file manually.
Printed copy. When you initially receive your Wave Server, a printed copy of your license information is included in the box.

Important!  Before proceeding, ensure that you received the correct licenses by reviewing the Acrobat file that came with your license file or the printed copy that came with your Wave Server. If you have any questions, contact your Vertical provider before entering and activating the licenses.

Wave license requirements

Wave ISM supports scalability and edition-based licensing.

Scalability licenses increase the maximum number of Wave users that can be added on a single system:
Wave Professional Edition license. Supports a maximum of 200 users/phones. You must add a Wave Professional Edition license to support this configuration.
Wave Enterprise Edition license. Supports a maximum of 500 users/phones. You must add a Wave Enterprise Edition license to support this configuration.
Wave Standard Edition license. Supports a maximum of 50 users/phones. There is no separate Standard Edition license—if you don't have a Wave Professional Edition license or a Wave Enterprise Edition license on your Wave Server, you have a Wave Standard Edition license.
Edition-based licenses introduce dependencies between certain types of Wave licenses that are enforced when importing, adding, and deleting licenses.
Wave SIP Trunk for Standard Edition license. Requires a Wave Standard Edition license. See “Wave Standard Edition” above.
Wave SIP Trunk for Professional Edition license. Requires a Wave Professional Edition license.
Wave SIP Trunk for Enterprise Edition license. Requires a Wave Enterprise Edition license.
WaveNet for Standard Edition license. Requires a Wave Standard Edition license.
WaveNet for Professional Edition license. Requires a Wave Professional Edition license.
WaveNet for Enterprise Edition license. Requires a Wave Enterprise Edition license.

Wave ISM supports additional license types that enable specific functionality. If you do not have the correct number of Wave licenses entered, your ability to configure or use your Wave system will be affected in the following ways:

You need this license type:


Wave ISM User

To add or modify a user via the User/Workgroup Configuration applet. This license also supports usage of the ViewPoint Softphone as a user’s secondary phone.

Wave IP Gateway

To configure VoIP resources via the Resource Management applet.

Wave IP User - Certified Third Party IP Phone

To configure a user to use a supported Aastra or Edge 1500-series SIP phone.

Wave IP User - Edge IP

and ViewPoint Phone

To configure a user to use an Edge 5000-series SIP phone or the ViewPoint Softphone as his or her primary phone.

Wave IP User - Generic Third Party IP Phone

To configure a user to use a third-party SIP phone.

Wave SIP Trunk (Standard, Professional, or Enterprise Edition)

To configure a signaling control point (SCP) via the IP Telephony applet.

Wave ViewPoint

For each ViewPoint user, so that multiple Viewpoint users can concurrently access the Wave system.

Wave ViewPoint Mobile

For each ViewPoint Mobile user, so that multiple users can concurrently access the Wave system to make and take calls and access some ViewPoint features from supported mobile devices.

Wave ViewPoint Secondary Softphone

On a per-Wave Server basis, to provide support for the ViewPoint Softphone as users’ secondary phone, if they are configured to do so.

Wave Contact Center Reporter

So that all ViewPoint users with the appropriate permissions can produce basic call and usage reports using the Contact Center Reporter. If you are also using the Wave Contact Center, a complete suite of queue reports is available.

Wave Contact Center Agent

For each user who is an agent in a Contact Center queue. Only one license is required for each agent, even if an agent is a member of multiple queues.

WaveNet (Standard, Professional, or Enterprise Edition)

On a per-Wave Server basis, so that a Wave Server can be a member of a WaveNet network.

Wave Call Classifier

On a per-Wave Server basis, so that the Wave Call Classifier add-on can be used to create rules to identify callers, intelligently route calls, and present Contact Center agents with scripts and related caller information before calls are answered.

Note:  Outbound IVR applications and other Wave add-ons also require valid licenses. See the documentation for the specific application or add-on for licensing details.

Full vs. trial licenses

Obtaining Wave licenses

About Wave licenses

Viewing the status of licenses on your system

There are two ways to view the status of your Wave licenses:

Software Licenses applet. See the instructions below.
License Status report. You can run the License Status report using the Report Generator. This report reports on all Wave installed licenses by product name and version, and lists the license key, quantity, type, status, activation date (blank for a trial license), and expiration date (if applicable) for each license.

To view the status of licenses on your system at any time

1 On the Administration tab of the Global Administrator Management Console, select Software Licenses.
2 The Software Licenses applet starts and displays the status of all of the licenses on your system:

Double-click on any license with a status of Activation Failed to view the reason for the failure.

3 To view license activity by date, click View Activity.
4 In the next screen, click All Available to display all licensing activities, or enter Starting On and Ending On dates to view licensing activities for a specific time period.

5 Click OK to continue.
6 The Activity log opens showing the following information:

7 Click OK to close the Activity Log.

About Wave licenses

Entering Wave licenses

Entering Wave license keys for each license

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

Entering Wave licenses

You can add Wave licenses to the Wave Server in either of the following ways:

Import a license file.
Enter the license key for each license.

Entering Wave licenses by importing a license file

Entering Wave license keys for each license

About Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

Entering Wave license keys for each license

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

Entering Wave licenses by importing a license file

1 On the Administration tab of the Global Administrator Management Console, select Software Licenses. The Software Licenses applet starts and displays any licenses that have already been entered:

2 Click Import. When the Import dialog opens, click Import License file and then click Next.

3 In the Import Licenses File dialog, click Browse to go to the license text file that you want to import.

4 In the Choose File dialog, select the license file and then click Open to return to the Import Licenses File dialog.
5 Click Upload Import File. A list of all of the licenses in the file is displayed. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click Done.
6 After the import finishes, the Import Licenses File dialog opens again. Click Cancel to return to the Software Licenses applet. Go to Activating Wave licenses.

Entering Wave license keys for each license

About Wave licenses

Entering Wave license keys for each license

1 On the Administration tab of the Global Administrator Management Console, select Software Licenses. The Software Licenses applet starts and displays any licenses that have already been entered:

2 Click Add. The Software License dialog opens:

3 Enter the following information:
Select the Product for which you want to enter licenses from the drop-down list.
Select the Version number for that product.
Enter the full 24-character License Key.
4 Click OK. The license you added is now displayed.
5 To add additional licenses, repeat steps 2-4. When you are done, go to the next section to activate the new licenses.

Entering Wave licenses by importing a license file

About Wave licenses

Activating Wave licenses

You activate your Wave licenses to enable full functionality on your Wave system. Once you have entered your licenses, you are ready to activate them.

Before your licenses are activated

The activation process

One-click vs. offline activation

Activating your Wave licenses using one-click activation

Activating your licenses using offline activation

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

About Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

Entering Wave licenses

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

Before your licenses are activated

You can use non-trial Wave licenses for a period of time without activating them (the specific period of time can vary by license type.) The grace period starts on the day that you enter the license via the Software Licenses applet. You can activate your licenses at any time during the grace period or after the grace period elapses.

Until you activate your licenses, the following will occur:

Every time you launch the Global Administrator Management Console, you will be reminded that licenses need to be activated. The dates when license grace periods are due to elapse are displayed in the Expiration column

If the grace period expires before a license is activated, whenever any user accesses their voice messages, the user hears a message stating that there is an expired license on the system and to contact the system administrator.

Activating your licenses eliminates these behaviors, and prevents any interruption to your system’s operation if the grace period expires.

Important!  Whenever you activate licenses, be sure to back up your Wave system according to the instructions in Backing up your Wave system configuration so that you do not have to repeat the activation process if you ever need to restore your system.

The activation process

One-click vs. offline activation

Activating your Wave licenses using one-click activation

Activating your licenses using offline activation

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

Activating Wave licenses

About Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

Entering Wave licenses

The activation process

Activation consists of the following steps:

1 You submit your license information to Vertical using either of the methods described below.
2 Vertical verifies the information. When you activate your licenses, the registration information that you submit to Vertical is verified and saved for future troubleshooting purposes. You have the opportunity to review the details of Vertical’s privacy statement during the activation process detailed later in this chapter.
3 Activated licenses are returned to you and applied to your system.

One-click vs. offline activation

Before your licenses are activated

Activation results

Activating your Wave licenses using one-click activation

Activating your licenses using offline activation

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

Activating Wave licenses

About Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

Entering Wave licenses

One-click vs. offline activation

There are two ways to activate your Wave licenses:

One-click activation. Use this method if the Wave Server has an Internet connection that allows the use of the HTTPS protocol, and you have a valid DNS server. (See Chapter 6 in the Wave Server Installation Guide for more about configuring the Wave Server for one-click activation.) If you encounter problems with one-click activation, you can try offline activation, or contact your Vertical provider.

Note that if your Wave Server does not meet these requirements, you can still use one-click activation if you set up a license activation proxy server. See Setting up a proxy server for license activation for more information.

See Activating your Wave licenses using one-click activation.

Offline activation. Use this method if the Wave Server does not have Internet access or does not allow the use of the HTTPS protocol. With offline activation, you generate an Offline Activation Request and submit it to the Vertical Activation Web site from another PC. An Activation File is returned to you that you then manually activate on the Wave Server.

See Activating your licenses using offline activation.

Before your licenses are activated

Activation results

Activating your Wave licenses using one-click activation

Activating your licenses using offline activation

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

Activating Wave licenses

About Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

Entering Wave licenses

Activation results

If activation is successful, activated licenses are returned and automatically added to your system. You are returned to the screen that displays all of your licenses. Note that the Status column will not update until you exit and restart the Software Licenses applet.

If activation is not successful, the reason is displayed. The most common status resulting from an unsuccessful one-click activation, “Activation Pending”, indicates a bad Internet connection, or that the Vertical Activation Server is down; the system will retry activation automatically. If you continue to experience problems, try offline activation, or contact your Vertical representative.

Before your licenses are activated

The activation process

Activating your Wave licenses using one-click activation

Activating your licenses using offline activation

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

Activating Wave licenses

About Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

Entering Wave licenses

Activating your Wave licenses using one-click activation

1 In the Software Licenses applet, click one license to activate it or Ctrl-click to select multiple licenses.

Note:  Only those licenses that are in the statuses of Not Activated, Activation Pending, and Activation Failed can be selected for Activation. Double-click on any license with a status of Activation Failed to view the reason for the failure.

2 Click Activate. To continue, accept the Vertical Communications Privacy Statement and then click OK.
3 The Activate Licenses dialog opens. Select This system can access the Activation Server. Activate Online, and then click Next.

4 In the next screen, enter registration information about your organization. You must enter at least First Name and Last Name to enable the OK button in order to continue.

5 Click OK to submit the selected licenses for activation. During activation, the Activate Licenses dialog (with the registration information cleared) is displayed.
6 Return to the Software Licenses dialog. (The license Status column will not update until you exit and restart the Software Licenses applet.)
7 Click Done to return to the Global Administrator Management Console.

Before your licenses are activated

One-click vs. offline activation

The activation process

Activating your licenses using offline activation

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

Activating Wave licenses

About Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

Entering Wave licenses

Activating your licenses using offline activation

Offline license activation occurs in 2 stages:

You generate an Activation Request file and submit it to the Vertical Activation Web site.
You receive an Activation file in response, and activate it.
1 In the Software Licenses applet, click one license to activate it or Ctrl-click to select multiple licenses.

Note:  Only those licenses that are in the statuses of Not Activated, Activation Pending, and Activation Failed can be selected for Activation. Double-click on any license with a status of Activation Failed to view the reason for the failure.

2 Click Activate. To continue, accept the Vertical Communications Privacy Statement and then OK.
3 The Activate Licenses dialog opens. Select This system cannot access the Activation Server. Generate Offline Activation Request File, and then click Next.

4 In the next screen, enter registration information about your organization. You must enter at least First Name and Last Name to enable the OK button in order to continue

5 A file save dialog opens. Choose to save the file, then in the Save As dialog name the file and specify the save location. Make a note of the file’s name (the default file name is ActivationRequestFileName.lic) and location,.

Go to step 6.

Important!  If you fail to see a file save dialog but see instead a screen of encrypted characters, you must reconfigure the Wave Server to save rather than open LIC files. To do so, perform the steps in Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files, and then begin the offline license activation process again.

6 Start another instance of Internet Explorer, and then enter and go to the following URL address:


7 Click Yes if you are asked whether to trust the site. You are taken to the Vertical Wave System License Activation Web page.

8 Enter the following information:
Path to System License File. Type the path and file name of the LIC file that you saved earlier, or click Browse to specify it.
Site Name / Description. For your own reference, enter identifying information about the license file, for example, “CambridgeLicenses”.
9 Click Process License File. Activation may take a few seconds to 2-3 minutes.
10 If activation is successful, you will see the following web page. Click Right-click here to download your permanent license file.

If activation was unsuccessful, the error or errors are displayed on-screen.

11 A file save dialog opens. Choose to save the file, then in the Save As dialog, name the file and specify the save location. Make a note of the file’s name and location.
12 Click Process Another -> to activate another Activation Request File, or return to the Software Licenses applet if you are done.
13 Click Import. When the Import dialog opens, click Import License Activation file and then click Next.

14 In the License File Upload dialog, click Browse to go to the Activation Request File that you downloaded and saved from the Vertical License Activation web page.

15 In the Choose File dialog, select the Activation Request File and then click Open to return to the License File Upload dialog.
16 Click Upload Activation File.
17 A list of all of the licenses in the file is displayed. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click Done.
18 After the upload finishes, the License File Upload dialog opens again. Click Cancel to return to the Software Licenses applet. (The license Status column will not update until you exit and restart the Software Licenses applet.)
19 Click Done to return to the Global Administrator Management Console.

Before your licenses are activated

One-click vs. offline activation

The activation process

Activating your Wave licenses using one-click activation

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

Activating Wave licenses

About Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

Entering Wave licenses

Configuring the Wave Server to save rather than open License files

Perform the steps in this section if you are directed to do so in step 5 in Activating your licenses using offline activation.

1 In Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer), choose Tools > Folder Options to open the Folder Options dialog.
2 On the File Types tab, select LIC in the Extensions column, and then go to step 8.

If there is no LIC entry in the Extensions column, you must create one. To do so, click New.

3 In the Create New Extension dialog, enter LIC in the File Extension field, and then click Advanced>>.
4 Select License from the Associated File Type drop-down list. Click OK to return to the Folder Options dialog.
5 Click Advanced to open the Edit File Type dialog.
6 Check Confirm open after download, and then click New to open the New Action dialog.
7 In the Application used to perform action field, enter the following:


You can specify a different text editor if you prefer.

8 Click OK to close all dialogs.
9 Begin the offline license activation process again, starting at step 1 on page 1-1.

Before your licenses are activated

The activation process

Activating your Wave licenses using one-click activation

Activating your licenses using offline activation

Activating Wave licenses

About Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

Entering Wave licenses

Setting up a proxy server for license activation

You can set up a proxy server on another PC on your network to act as an interface between your Wave Server and the Vertical License Activation Web page. The proxy server PC must have Internet access and allow the use of the HTTPS protocol, and you must have a valid DNS server on your network.

A proxy server is useful if the Wave Server does not have Internet access or does not allow the use of the HTTPS protocol, and you want to be able to use one-click license activation (instead of offline activation).
You MUST use a proxy server for license activation if a Wave license file consists of a single license key for unlimited site usage.
1 In the Software Licenses applet, click Setup Activation Proxy.

2 In the Activation Proxy Settings dialog, enter the following information:

Server Name: Name of the PC on your network to be used as the license activation proxy server. Server Name can consist of a maximum or 20 alphabetic and numeric characters including dashes, periods, underlines, and parenthesis, but cannot contain blanks.
Enable Proxy: Select this checkbox to enable the license activation proxy server. This checkbox is disabled until you enter a valid Server Name.
3 Click OK.

About Wave licenses

Wave license requirements

Entering Wave licenses

Entering Wave license keys for each license